Monday, August 3, 2015


Thank you for visiting my Blog! Through this site, I plan to share more of my personal journey with you, and hopefully HELP and INSPIRE you to be the happiest and healthiest version of yourself every day!

I am married to my best friend and soulmate, and I am a mom to our amazing little boy, Ethan! When I was on maternity leave, and the day was approaching to return to work, I just couldn't imagine leaving Ethan's side. My husband and I talked about it and figured out a way to make it work financially for me to be a full-time Stay-At-Home Mom (SAHM). I was scared and nervous about leaving my career and how it would impact our finances, but I knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to stay home and raise our son. I'm so grateful to be able to stay home even though as any SAHMs will tell you, it's not always peaches and cream :) There are days that are challenging, but it is also so incredibly rewarding...when you can take a step back from the craziness and allow yourself to appreciate it! 

Until Ethan was about a year old, I didn't think about focusing on myself. He was my world! It was winter time and I found myself really in a rut. Although I wanted to be home with my boy, I wasn't in a happy place. I would anxiously await for my husband to get home every day, just to have a little "me" time or figure out a way to get some adult interaction. My husband and I knew that I needed to make a change for myself and my family. 

It had been years since I was in any sort of regular exercise routine. To be honest, I've never really had a "regular routine". Fitness and healthy eating was something I jumped in and out of throughout life. I had put fitness on the back burner to make sure we were spending as much time together as possible, but I have learned that isn't healthy for me or my family. I want to be healthy and happy and to LEAD BY EXAMPLE for my son. I want to show him that regular exercise and making healthy food choices, and thinking about food as a way to FUEL your body are important to living a long and healthy life. 

So, I reached out to another Coach on Facebook and after a lot of thought, I decided to try 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. Well, I fell in LOVE! To be honest, it was the motivation from the monthly accountability group that really pushed me to make a positive change in my life! Hearing from women with multiple kids, hour long commutes, working full-time, and STILL getting in a workout, or moms that were up all night with sick kids and didn't get much sleep...STILL getting in their workouts. They motivated me to make no excuses and keep health #1. Progress, not Perfection. There will be days where you slip up, but we always encourage each other to get back on track! It's all about finding a balance to create a healthy LIFESTYLE!

Through Beachbody, I have found a passion for fitness and health! I LOVE waking up every morning knowing that I get to HELP people make POSITIVE changes in their lives to be happy and healthy. I decided to DREAM BIG, take a chance, and become a Beachbody COACH! I was always the type to play it safe and not take risks, but that only resulted in a career that did not bring me joy and fulfillment. I knew there was MORE to life! I decided life was worth living! I needed to go for my dreams, so that one day my son would see that he should go for his! He truly has been my inspiration to change my mindset. Fortunately, Beachbody gave me the FREEDOM to stay home with my son and pursue a career with PASSION!

I hope you all will enjoy this blog! If you ever have questions, just want to chat, or have any feedback for me - please contact me!

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